Renowned as “Little Rome” due to its profusion of Catholic churches within the area, the city of Negombo is indeed the place to be if one aims to explore the roots of the Portuguese era embedded within the history of Sri Lanka. Dotted with various Portuguese and colonial buildings, the imperial churches of this largely Christian community are not to be missed if visiting this enchantingly historical town. One such must-see church in this area is the Grand Street Church boasting of a wide variety of fascinating historical paintings on its ceilings accompanied by elaborate alabaster statues of various saints adorning the alleyways. Dating back almost 125 years, this lavish and elegant building is something that could be called an epitome of historical grandeur in the area.
This highly ornate, exquisitely decorated Roman Catholic Church is spacious with its high ceilings adorned with elaborate and bewitchingly beautiful paintings dating back to the glorious Portuguese era. This majestic building is easily spotted at a distance and is best known as the Mahaweediya Palliya among locals as it is located on Grand Street in Negombo. It is known that the construction of the church took almost 50 years and the amount of work put into the structure is evident in the extravagant details embedded into its walls and ceilings. The construction of the church was started in 1874 and was only completed by 1922, 50 years later.
This monumental building is made up of three main levels and this factor is evident from the front of the structure as well. The Grand Street Church in Negombo is one of the biggest Cathedrals in Sri Lanka and holds a very important place within the Christian community of Sri Lanka. While visiting this place, visitors are also advised to experience the best of Sri Lankan hospitality that the place has to offer. A great Negombo Hotel to stay while visiting this magnificent historical city is the luxurious Jetwing Blue. The golden sandy beaches of this glorious city can also be explored while revelling in the many luxuries that this Beach Hotel Negombo has to offer.