The Ang Thong Marine Park is made up of an archipelago of just over 40 pristine jungles islands that resemble a shattered emerald necklace on the Andaman Sea. Each piece of this exquisite necklace remains a virgin realm that is adorned by secret lagoons, jagged limestone cliffs and heavenly peach colored sands. Exploring this island mosaic is quite the adventure which includes endless fun and plenty of tranquility.
Out of all the Koh Phangnan Resorts there is, the Anantara Rasananda Koh Phangan Villa Resort & Spa is famous for its excellent tour packages to the Ang Thong Marine Park. Exploring the park and all the wonders it beholds is an adventure you would never tire of. The unparalleled beauty and wonders of the island were carved into its landscape from the very moment of its creation. Since the islands have risen from the sea as dramatic walls of rock, some of their fascinating limestone cliffs tower several hundred meters into the sky. Centuries of erosion have further molded these cliffs into an array of interesting shapes. There are 42 dream inducing islets craving to be discovered and surely covering them all would take weeks, but Anantara Rasananda picks and chooses the best so that you get to see it all in whatever time you have with this marine park.
The Mother island of the Marine Park is Koh Mae which is known above all for the famous saltwater lagoon called the Emarald Lake. A quick climb up the wooden staircase to the mountain peak nearby affords you the most magnificent views of ethereal preserves of greens and blues. Koh Mae is also paradise for its wild life; it is here where you can find hair nose otters, Asian long tailed monkeys, Egrets, Sea Eagles, Ashy Drongos, Sea Turtles, Pythons and several other species. There is so much to see do and experience at the Ang Thong Marine Park that you will surely be left mesmerized in more ways than you can imagine.
Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.