Renowned the world over as the secret hideout from which Winston Churchill directed the Allied Forced, the Cabinet War Rooms are surviving remnants of history dating back to one of the world’s most tumultuous periods, the Second World War. Situated beneath the streets of London the Cabinet Rooms where Churchill and his staff met and strategized against Hitler’s German Forces can now be explored on a tour that takes visitors through the annals of time to the early 1940’s and war torn Britain. Completely intact and un tampered with since Churchill and his War Cabinet left the rooms in 1945, the offices beneath the city of London are haunting reminders of the complications of war as the area was also used to shelter Londoners during aerial bombing raids by enemy forces.
The labyrinth of corridors and rooms in the complex also includes the Map Room where detailed and marked maps of Europe used in planning war strategies that would change the face of Europe and the world at large still remain hung on the walls. Visitors can go inside Churchill’s Bunker and explore its environs and imagine themselves in the heat of war in one of the most influential situation rooms on the planet. The real life stories of men and women who took refuge in the makeshift bomb shelter are also on display as are telephones and various communication devices used during the era.
The Churchill Museum on the other hand explores the man behind the legend and the legacy of this once proud leader who is credited with putting a swift end to tyranny and Nazi rule in Europe. As the world’s leading authority on the life and times of Sir Winston Churchill the museum employs state-of-the-art technology and interactive exhibits to trace his illustrious career and global contribution. Visitors can hear his iconic speeches and uncover pages from his life at the Lifeline exhibit which is an interactive 15m long display at the heart of the museum.
The earliest painting done by the statesman is also on display alongside love letters to his wife while the interactive replica of his childhood home in Kent is another highlight that should not be missed.
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