Throughout history prominent artists such as Picasso, Degas and Monet revolutionised the way in which people perceive, appreciate and enjoy art and this feature of their masterpieces have earned them a prominent place in the historical evolution of artistic creations. In the 21st century, the concept of art is continuously re-interpreted by many artists as they attempt to push the boundaries of what they perceive as traditional and create a modern elucidation of common place events.
The Red Dot Design Museum in Singapore is one such example of the continuous efforts of artists and designers to revolutionise modern art and displays futuristic designs whose creation require great innovation and appreciation.
The Museum in Singapore was established by Red Dot who also established the Red Dot Design Award in Germany. The Award is a highly respected design award that is recognised internationally and which receives over ten thousand submissions annually from designers and producers. The Design Museum established in Singapore further allows Red Dot to envision, innovate and display futuristic designs worthy of accolades.
The designs on display in the Museum, when first viewed appear simplistic yet this first impression often masks the genius of the exhibits. Most of the designs, in keeping with its futuristic theme, tend to be sleek, contemporary and extremely classy. One such exhibit on display is a gold jigsaw ring which is truly an interesting innovation. Furthermore, patrons of the Museum will also have the opportunity of observing all the products and designs that won the Red Dot Design award.
If you are staying at any of the hotels in Singapore and wish to visit, the Museum is open to the public every day except on Wednesdays and Thursdays and is open from 11am till 6pm while on weekends it closes only at 8pm. The entrance charge for adults is $8 while the fee for children and the elderly is $4. The museum also offers concessions to students. The Museum also allows photographs to be taken and perhaps you could utilise this opportunity to feel inspired yourself.
If you are still searching among the vast number of Singapore hotels for that perfect choice, opt for Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Singapore whose central location will provide you convenient access to the Red Dot Design Museum for, all in all, a visit to this Museum is sure to be a truly inspiring experience.
Thanuja Silva is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Auburn Silver. She has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world.