Holidaymakers visiting the Maldives will find a number of sightseeing attractions such as the splendid Grand Friday Mosque. If you desire to stay at a fine Maldives villa an attractive choice would be the appealing accommodations of Baros Maldives. This quality resort offers world class accommodations in a picturesque setting.
The Grand Friday Mosque with its striking architecture is considered to be a noteworthy landmark in the Maldivian capital Male. Known by local residents as the Masjid-al-Sultan, this majestic edifice was initially built by the monarch Ibrahim Iskandhar as far back as the 17th century. This mosque is considered to be the biggest in the Maldive Islands and amongst the largest in the entirety of South Asia. This magnificent place of worship has the space to accommodate as many as 5,000 persons at one time.
The mosque displays magnificent architecture and numerous attractive features of interest. The splendid golden hued dome is instantly recognizable and is a prominent feature on the skyline of the capital. The interior of this intriguing place of worship has been exquisitely decorated with Arabic calligraphy and intricate woodcarvings. Visitors will also see other remarkable examples of Islamic art within the mosque. The principal prayer hall boasts a number of elaborate wooden engravings as well as a costly carpet and handsome chandeliers.
The distinctively shaped minarets are another feature of interest and will capture the attention of the visitor. Not to be missed are the numerous examples of coral engravings which will draw the imagination of the sightseer. Visitors will also be enthralled by the sight of a multitude of grand tombs of Maldivian royalty and heroes of the nation. These features provide an insight into the eventful past and traditions of the Maldivian people. The Grand Friday Mosque is undoubtedly one of the Maldives’ most treasured monuments and a source of pride for the people of the nation. Today this mosque is housed within the well-known Islamic Centre, which features a library, a conference chamber and a number of classrooms.
Uditha Dharmawardhane is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Roland Lefevre. He specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe.