Who knew the nick name ‘hunny bunny’ could spark off a world record winning, lifelong continuing, passion for bunnies!
Candace Frazee and Steve Lubanski met at a singles meeting in 1992. Their individual love of bunnies was a powerful connection in their relationship. Special occasions and celebrations saw them exchange bunny related gifts, which soon became an everyday gift – sometimes more than once a day. This unusual feature in their relationship was nothing compared to their wedding in 1994. The reception saw Steve dressed as a bunny, with the couple doing a bunny hop whilst they ate carrot cake!
Their unusual gift giving continued through their marriage and by 1998 they had accumulated so much of bunny related items that they decided to turn their home in Pasadena into a museum. With 8437 items in their collection, they entered the Guinness Book of Records under the category of World’s largest bunny collection.
They have far surpassed that humble beginning and now boast of over 26’000 items. These range from garden objects, stuffed bunnies, puzzles, phones, furniture, toiletries, light fixtures, wind chimes, and almost anything else you can think of.
The museum also features their live bunny pets that are litter box trained and roam freely. 3 of their former pets are forever immortalized through freeze drying and are on display.
Admission is by appointment only, except on holidays when it is open day. Visitors must remember never to refer to the bunnies as rabbits and though welcome to bring food for the bunnies, it should never be carrots!