The second Largest national park in Bhutan , named after the late Jigme Dorji Wangchuk, Jigme Dorji National Park covers the entire Gasa District and Nothern areas of few other districts such as Paro and Punakha. Established in 1974 the park is a horticultural haven.
Encompassing an area of 4329 sq km Jigme Dorji National Park provides shelter to 37 mammals, and various plants of value. Out of the 37 mammals the animals such as the snow leopard, Red Panda and the Bengal tiger are known to be endangered or threatened. More than 300 species of Birds have been identified at the park.
The management of the park is a complex task, with the need to interact with local farmers and semi nomadic yak herders. Apart from the natural flora and fauna found here, the villagers are also allowed to plant selected varieties. Providing social services such as Health and education among others to the inhabitants of the park while also taking care not to strain the natural balance of the century old blend of people at the park proves a difficult task.
When you enter the park, you are welcomed with a feel of a tropical rainforest, hundreds of different bird-calls, sounds of water gushing through natural streams and ponds, and colourful butterflies not failing to envelop all colours of a distant rainbow. You are magically transformed into a scene from Alice in Wonderland or the perfection of an untouched paradise.
If biking across the gorgeous mountains with nothing but the Himalayan mountains in your sight, or photographing a beautiful Blue poppy(native flower)or a mighty Bengali lion at the national park, or a serene yoga experience of several days sounds irresistible to you then you are in for a treat in this region!
Contrary to popular belief of the harsh demanding travel circumstances in Bhutan, The country has in the recent past surfaced as a popular tourist destination offering exotic locations to visit.
If in search of a Bhutan hotel there are many a Paro hotel that offers beautiful views of the national park and surrounding areas. Uma Bhutan is a 29-room resort, offering exclusive private villas in Bhutan on the beautiful paro valley. The beautiful architecture of the villas encompasses the traditional Bhutanese craftsmanship and contemporary designs. The hotel offers countless experiences of leisure and excitement along with its tour operating arm.