For a first-hand immersion into the charming aspects of local Chengdu culture, head over to Jin Li Street for an afternoon or day of shopping, culture-soaking, snacking on delicious local fare and more. Make Jin Li Street a must-visit on your cultural itinerary when you stay at a stylish hotel in Chengdu such as the Millennium Chengdu. It is an ideal option of a convenient Chengdu hotel as it gives guests easy access to many of the city’s attractions such as Jin Li Street. Dating as far back as the Qin Dynasty that spanned 221-206 BC, it has remained an iconic feature of Chengdu right up to the present day. Stroll down the street and be treated to old world shops hawking everything from exquisite embroidered silks to lustrous lacquerware, sure to make for intriguing gifts and conversations pieces to grace your home. Outside, be treated to local artists mesmerizing visitors with enchanting shadow puppetry and elegant Sichuan operas. When you’re here, don’t forget to sample some of the delectable food offerings that tingle your toast buds for days on end. Try the local favourites that include San Da Pao, which is unique to the Sichuan province, and is made up of sticky rice, beans, brown sugar, and sesame. Follow the examples of the local epicureans and feast of rice glue balls (tastes better than it sounds!), hearty boiled dumplings, and savoury wontons. And if you’d like a caramel macchiato with which to wash down all that yummy culture, you’ll find modern coffees vendors such as Starbucks to brew you your favourite caffeine indulgence.