La Digue is the third largest island within the Seychelles archipelago, which boasts some of the most beautiful tropical landscapes the world has to offer, and this island is particularly special.

Background and History
Although La Digue was discovered in 1742, it wasn’t named until 1768 when it was visited by French explorer Marc-Joseph Marion Du Fresne who named the newly discovered landmass after a ship in his fleet. The first settlers arrive almost two decades afterwards in 1789.
Culture and People
The first inhabitants to La Digue were all rebels that were exiled from Bourbon who bribed their captain to take them to Seychelles instead of their original destination somewhere in the East Indies. The population of the island are predominantly Catholic.
La Digue is famous throughout the world for her beaches, which are beautiful and pristinely natural. Some of the most famous coastal destinations include Anse Source D’Argent, Anse Cocos, and Grand Anse Beach. There’s many a resort in Seychelles situated along or close to these beaches, such as Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay Resort & Casino.
Much like most of Seychelles, La Digue is very rich in terms of biodiversity, and is home to some critically endangered species. One of these is Paradise Flycatcher, which is endemic to the island. Many of these species are unique to La Digue due to its separation from the rest of Africa.
Auburn Silver is a travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world. Google+