Tokyo is dazzling city with many mega shopping malls, streets lined with neon lights and exciting tourist attractions. Once you’ve explored all the exciting attractions, take some time off to visit the Meiji Shrine and unwind amidst perfect serenity.
You won’t need to stray far away from the city, because the Meiji Shrine is located within the CBD just minutes away from many Tokyo serviced apartments and hotels like Somerset Ginza East Tokyo. Its right next to the 1964 Olympic complex, so you won’t miss it.
Built In Honour of the Emperor
The shrine was built in 1920 to honour Emperor Meiji under whose rule Japan was able to become a modern state. It’s also dedicated to Emperor Meiji’s wife, Empress Shoken who is revered for her valiant support of charity work as well as women’s education.
Japan’s most famous Shinto shrine
Considered to be country’s most important shrine of Shinto belief, the Meiji Shrine was built in the midst of an iris garden which was a favourite with Emperor Meiji and Empress Shōken. The beautiful forest that surrounds the shrine contains 120,000 trees of 365 different species.
Naien & Gaien
Centred on the shrine buildings, The Naien is the inner precinct which includes a treasure museum that features precious articles of the Emperor and Empress. The outer precinct called ‘The Gaien’ is where you will find the spectacular Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery featuring a collection of 80 large murals depicting the lives of the Emperor and Empress. The Gaien also includes a variety of sports facilities, including the National Stadium.
Caleb Falcon is a travel writer who specializes in writing content based on the many exciting world adventures that await intrepid travellers. Google+