The modern incarnation of the athletic games that took place in ancient Greece, the Olympic Games are a renowned and beloved global competition which is held every four years by a host nation. Named the Olympic Games by Heracles, they are believed to have been establish in 776 B.C. but did not maintain its grandeur and meaning throughout the centuries. In fact, the popularity of the Games are said to have waned considerably and the excitement and publicity that surrounds the modern Olympic Games began in the 19th century when the Games were revived subsequent to the Greek War of Independence. In recent years countries such as Greece, China, the United Kingdom and Australia have hosted the Games.
The Olympic Park in Melbourne, Australia was built as a venue for the 1956 Olympics but in 1995, was merged with the Melbourne Park. As a result, the Olympic Park is now a huge sight that has undergone many transformations but is used for athletics, soccer, and sports such as rugby. Located close to the ocean, the Olympic Park makes for a day excursion for tourists from nearby cities and towns such as those staying at South Yarra hotels. The Park is located around seventy kilometres from luxury accommodation such as Oaks Pinnacle but given the quality of the highways, the drive can be completed in just forty minutes.
Given the sheer size of the Olympic Park [the capacity of the AAMI Park is 30, 050 seats), the Olympic Park Oval and the Westpac Centre, there is much to see in the Melbourne Park. However, while the sheer scale of the enterprise is truly stunning, many visitors find the experience alone quite overwhelming given the scale of events that have taken place since its inception at the Melbourne Olympic Park.
Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.