Consisting greatly of picturesque countryside’s and neat sceneries, with nature unspoiled by man, the fresh and beautiful country New Zealand is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places to visit in the entire world. Wellington is the capital of the scenic nation and despite being highly populated and very much urbanized it still remains an attractive city. Its location by the coast contributes to the beauty of this city, with beaches and a busy harbor lining the area. Against the city, and decorating its sky line visitors will see Mount Victoria which rises to a height of 196 meters. While the view that the city has of this mountain is charming it is nothing compared to the views of the city from atop this mountain.
Mount Victoria is frequented by visitors for the panoramic 360 degree views available of the city below. Along the journey up this hill, which can be even made by bus or car, there are many points from which to stop and appreciate the view as the city can be admired from different angles. For those with more energy to spare, the journey up can be made along a walking track, and when at the summit sit back and watch the activity down below. Especially interesting is watching the harbor from this perch above. The area is also rich in heritage and for those who want to experience this, walking tours are available.
One of the greatest factors that draws people to this sight is the fact that it has been a location for filming some of the most popular movies of modern times. The most significant is probably ‘The Lord of The Rings’ in which the location was used twice within the trilogy. Another reason that people come here is because they enjoy the hike, and the adventure there is no better way to experience the area. A memorial for American aviator Richard Byrd too can be seen at the top, closely located to the viewing platform from where visitors can admire the city as a whole. It is a lovely place to stop by at when in the picturesque nation.
In this country where visitors are constantly reminded of the wonders of nature,Wellington New Zealand hotels with environment friendly procedures are ideal. The Copthorne Hotel Wellington Oriental Bay is one such place, and the luxurious and comfortable hotel in Wellington offers fantastic views of the harbor and city.
Umanga Kahandawaarachchi is a passionate travel writer who writes under the pen name, Maggie Tulliver. Her field of writing covers a wide array of content and articles related to travel and hospitality industry.