Surely, there is no one who doesn’t know about teppanyaki, one of the most famous cooking techniques from Japan. The word derived from the Japanese words ‘teppan’ which translates to iron plate and ‘yaki’ which means pan-fried/grilled. Teppanyaki is also where the customers get to see the performance of the chef as it is not just cooking but an art!
How it all started
It was about 200 years ago when Japanese families would cook their meals on iron grills. This practice continued for quite some time and later in about 1945, the very first of teppanyaki restaurants opened in Kobe where they would prepare meals for customers to see fusing local and western cuisine together.
After its initiation, this style of cooking became popular with more foreigners than locals. The performance and food seemed alluring to onlookers. Therefore, the chefs began to learn new tricks like creating and onion volcano and other stunts.
Ingredients used
Meals cooked in teppanyaki style are usually fresh and just slightly seasoned. Chicken, beef and seafood, noodles, rice, finely chopped vegetables and other seasonings are what is normally used for preparing a teppanyaki dish. Try a taste of okonomiyaki, monjayaki and yakisoba at restaurants like Benihana Thailand.
The performance
If you are looking for entertainment and good food, what better option is there than a teppanyaki restaurant! Here the group I seated at the table where the chef begins his performance with the clang of knives and spatulas. The best part of it all is that you get to select your chef and ingredient and how you want it cooked as well!