Located in the city centre of Dunedin New Zealand, the Otago Museum silently witnesses to the glory of the world that we live in with its rare and exquisite artefacts and collections of immense value. With its galleries filled with interesting wonders, the museum faithfully serves its purpose of enhancing the knowledge of those who visit all year round.
With a proud and noble history, the Otago Museum continues on its noble journey since it was established in the year 1868 and has today become Dunedin’s most visited attraction.
The Discovery World Tropical Forest in the museum provides a sensation of being blissfully lost in a rainforest. Here hundreds of beautiful, live butterflies boldly greet the visitors while birds, fish and turtles roam free, while beautiful flowers and plants emanate their tropical perfume to their man made jungle home.
The Tāngata Whenua Gallery witness to the beautiful and mystic culture of the Southern Māori mythology and culture with its quaint and beautiful wooden and ivory carved objects as the Maritime Gallery opened in the year 1973 proudly hold on display the nautical delights of model ships and flags that were waving in original ships, bells that rang in the old ships as well as a skeleton that belonged to a Fin Whale that ruled the waters many many years ago.
A gallery reserved to disseminate knowledge about the many cultures of the world is called People of the World and holds a wonderful collection of Roman coins, African basketry, Victorian dresses as well as an Egyptian Mummy, trapped in the fearsome unknown of the modern day.
The Animal Attic showcases close to 3000 specimens, now lifeless, now helpless in their glass cases, yet with dignity unstrapped, declare the wonders of their kind along with the Nature Gallery that showcases the wonder of the wild life of Otago.
Southern Land, Southern People speak volumes of the uniqueness of the people living in the southern part of New Zealand while the Pacific Cultures display items of value of rare and unique items.
After a visit to the Otago Museum you will undoubtedly return a different person, enlightened and educated to great degrees. Centrally located New Zealand hotels such as the Millennium & Copthorne Hotels NZ which is one of the leading Dunedin hotels will ensure that you have hassle free access to this wonderful place.
Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.