The Chinese Overseas Museum is found in Xiamen at 493, South Siming Road and features the history, lifestyle and encounters of the overseas Chinese in a vivid and remarkable way. The museum that was set up in 1956 owes its origin to the famous overseas Chinese leader Mr. Tan Kah Kee and is quite spacious with 3,000 sq. metres worth of floor space that contains more than 7,000 relics and items of historic interest. As China’s first museum that was funded by Chinese living overseas, the site has done pretty well; it is extremely well organized and segmented very well as to be both educational and informative to the tourists and interested learners.
The museum contains three large exhibition halls and is divided by themes into six separate sections as to be more comprehensive and informative. These categories include the tragedies of overseas Chinese, the contribution by them to their motherland as well as the friendships that sprang up between them and the host countrymen. When it comes to historic relics and items the collection is extensive and priceless.
The hall that falls under the theme of the History of Overseas Chinese contains a vast number of items that depict the lifestyle of these people both before and after liberation. The Relics of Motherland’s history section houses yet another marvellous collection that includes ancient relics and works of art that fall near the range of 2,000 in number and have been in the possession of the museum’s founder.
Perhaps the most interesting of items are housed in the Hall of Nature which contains yet another batch of about 2,000 items and relics of fish and animals as well as aquatic creatures that are intriguing to look at, being such a rarity. Most visitors find the museum extremely informative and its wide open spaces, it classic Chinese architecture with upturned eaves and the park that surrounds it is yet another factor in making its visitors very much content with their visit.
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Chandrishan Williams is a travel writer who writes under the pen name, Caleb Falcon. He specializes in writing content based on the many exciting world adventures that await intrepid travellers.