The splendid Perdana Botanical Garden in Kuala Lumpur, often referred to by its former name, the Lake Gardens, has the distinction of being the oldest established and most frequented park in the Malaysian capital. It is located near the borders of the metropolis and was formerly a location where members of the British ruling class constructed their lavish homes in the colonial era.
Today however the garden is accessible to all and presents a delightful place in which to spend leisure hours. With meticulously landscaped hillocks and beautifully laid out walking trails this verdant attraction never fails to soothe the senses of the visitor. Numerous urban dwellers visit the park to engage in some refreshing tai chi or take a relaxing early morning jog through the trails. The focal point of the garden is the pretty lake at its centre which is surrounded by flourishing greenery with no less than 227 acres of parkland included in the gardens. The visitor should make it a point to explore the appealing Butterfly Park and Bird Park, which present attractive sights to the observer.
Not to be missed is the appealing Orchid Garden which contains a splendid array of various varieties of this alluring flower. This part of the park is an attractively landscaped area with benches where visitors can rest, relax and enjoy the fragrance of the numerous exotic blooms.
Meanwhile the local Deer Park is another highlight with an enclosed area featuring a jogging track and, as you might expect, a number of deer belonging to a number of varieties. These include some specimens of the mouse deer, or chevrotain, the world’s smallest hoofed mammal.
However it you just want to relax and pass some time the tranquil environs of Perdana Botanical Garden will not disappoint. You will see a number of attractive sculptures placed around the parkland, among which you will notice a reproduction of Stonehenge in England. This park is undoubtedly one of the most appealing places to spend time with family or friends.
If you are thinking of visiting the Malaysian capital and are looking for a place to stay at, there is no better choice than the Somerset Ampang Kuala Lumpur. These luxury apartments Kuala Lumpur offers provide quality accommodation and attentive hospitality.
Uditha Dharmawardhane is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Roland Lefevre. He specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe.