For those searching for a 4 star hotel in Bali to reside in a seaside area complete with local attractions, the Holiday Inn Resort Bali Benoa in Tanjung Benoa is a worthwhile recommendation for the Benoa Beach is truly wonderful and has, as of late, become an extremely popular destination for thrilling water sports. While the Tanjung Benoa Beach is a gem in itself, the area is also home to a number of local temples that are excellent places to visit for those who wish to observe local religious customs and traditions, as well as Balinese architecture.
One such temple is the Pura Dalem Ning Ian Taman Beji. This particular temple is located closest to the ocean and used to belong to the royal family of Pemecutan and Pura Taman Beji. Though it is primarily a Hindu Temple, Buddhists are also allowed to pray within its confines and many Buddhists do so as well. This is said to be because of an ancient agreement between the religious figures of both religions and the primary purpose of worship is to cleanse the pretimas i.e. the sandalwood statues of each deity.
Caow Eng Bio is another temple in the area. This temple is considered to be one of the oldest Chinese temples in the province and is a very busy one, particularly during the Chinese New Year and Vesak. However, even though the Temple clearly follows certain Buddhist traditions, as evidenced by the existence of a Buddha Room, it is widely considered to be Chinese in origin. An interesting sight for tourists would be another temple known as Pura Desa Ian Puseh which is found at an intersection. This temple benefits from the shade provided by a banyan tree and conducts rituals relating to fertility.
Tanjung Benoa is, therefore, an area replete with religious vibes that intermingle with the relaxation provided by the Benoa Beach. It is, thus, an interesting place to spend one’s vacation.
Uditha Dharmawardhane is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Roland Lefevre. He specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe.