What was once the Beihai Shipyard was transformed to the Qingdao International Sailing Centre. It was built for the Summer Olympics and several sailing events were held there. It was not only the site for the Olympics, but also the Paralympics sailing competition was held there. The wind conditions at the centre may vary from light winds to the more forceful ones; however, the general atmosphere makes it perfect for sailing except on days when it is foggy. At the boat house in the centre you can lease sailing boats, yachts and rowing boats. It is a great way to spend an afternoon out in the Bay area. You can even opt for a fishing boat so that you can go out with a group of people and enjoy an evening out in the sea.
Apart from the sailing the area has a scenic walk up to the lighthouse. If sailing is not something you are familiar with, walking around the premises will give you a great view of the open ocean near the coast. You can even watch some of the boats out at sea; the place is well worth a visit because you can capture some amazing pictures at the venue. In the night many people gather to watch the laser light show. From early evening to midnight the main breakwater lighthouse will display a light show that is a spectacular visual treat.
It is also a perfect venue for lunch or dinner; there are several restaurants around the area that provide a good view of the facility. You can even do some shopping at the malls that have lined up around this area.
If you are visiting the country for the first time, look for greater China hotels for accommodation. While the facility is one of the many attractions there are other interesting places to explore in the city. Hotels in China are easy to locate and contact and you will find a convenient place to stay in during your vacation. Try out Millennium & Copthorne Hotels China for great deals on luxurious rooms, inclusive of sporting facilities and in house spa treatments.
Uditha Dharmawardhane is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Roland Lefevre. He specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe.