The well-known Sanxingdui Museum is situated near one of China’s renowned archaeological sites, and is easily reached from the city of Chengdu. This highly esteemed archaeological excavation site has yielded many priceless artefacts including many significant relics from the Neolithic, Zhou and Shang periods. Many of these invaluable artefacts can be observed at the equally well-known Sanxingdui Museum, which attracts numerous visitors from the locality as well as abroad each year.
Perhaps the most significant discovery made at this site is the unearthing in 1986 of two expansive Shang era sacrificial chambers which yielded an array of fascinating relics. This discovery unearthed a mesmerizing collection of artefacts which made the site a global attraction.
Within the Sanxingdui Museum you will see a myriad of interesting exhibits and notable amongst these is the splendid selection of bronze creations. These bronzes are internationally renowned, recognized for their artistic, historical and scientific merit. These bronze creations demonstrate artistic finesse, refinement, majesty and sophisticated execution. Bronze masks and statuettes stand witness to the intriguing culture of their creators. Another highlight is a massive statue of a man in a standing position; it is obvious that this individual is a personage of importance.
The collection of ceramics is equally noteworthy, featuring a special kind of clay native to the area. The visitor will notice a comprehensive collection of these ceramics dating to different local dynasties, from the Neolithic era to the Zhou Dynasty.
You will also notice a splendid collection of gold artefacts, of which many are constructed with great finesse and artistry. These articles are diverse and attractive, including masks which were worn by individuals as well as numerous kinds of equipment used for religious ceremonies. You will notice an intricately fashioned golden staff embellished with an image of a human head, birds, fish and other elements.
Not to be missed is the appealing selection of jade articles which include beautifully adorned creations used for ceremonial purposes. These also include various military implements employed during ceremonial occasions.
If you intend to visit the area and are considering a fine Chengdu hotel an outstanding choice would be the Millennium Chengdu. This appealing hotel in Chengdu offers quality accommodations and courteous hospitality.
Umanga Kahandawaarachchi is a passionate travel writer who writes under the pen name, Maggie Tulliver. Her field of writing covers a wide array of content and articles related to travel and hospitality industry.Google+