The Ten Thousand Buddhas Peak located on the renowned Mount Emei in China’s Sichuan Province is a recognized visitor attraction. If you intend to explore the area and seek a fine Sichuan hotel an outstanding choice would be the Anantara Emei Resort & Spa. This appealing accommodation offers quality interiors and courteous hospitality.
The mountain known as Emei has been a much admired location since ancient times. The name of the mountain translates as ‘delicate eyebrow’ which is a reference to one of its most recognized features. Two of its most renowned peaks are the Golden Summit and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Peak, and these two peaks, which are positioned opposite one another, are thought to look like the delicately formed eyebrows of a classical beauty from China.
Historical sources indicate that China’s very first Buddhist shrine was constructed on this mountain in the 1st century not long after the introduction of Buddhism from India. Buddhist devotees often refer to Mount Emei as the ‘Mountain of Brightness’ being identified with the Bodhisattva Puxian. From the time that Buddhism made its initial mark on China, the area of Mount Emei has become recognized as a significant place of retreat and sanctuary for Buddhist devotees. At one time there were over a hundred shrines and temples in the environs of the mountain, but today only around 30 remain to be seen.
Today the largest place of worship in this area is the Baoguo Temple, which is located at the mountain’s foot. Constructed during the era of the Ming Dynasty, this appealing temple is popular even today. Within this temple complex you will see the Huayan Pagoda, marked by its distinctive red copper finish which is frequently by students of Chinese Buddhism. This 14 storey pagoda measures seven metres in height and is embellished with innumerable Buddha images. Even today Mount Emei remains a picturesque and attractive leisure destination.
Uditha Dharmawardhane is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Roland Lefevre. He specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe. Google+