In the Southern most point of the beautiful island of Sri Lanka there stands a magnificent lighthouse; tall and absolutely beautiful. Day in and day out it watches the mighty waves crash onto the shores as it guides the many ships and boats that sail away in the Indian Ocean. The Dondra Lighthouse stands out from the rest as it is etched with sheer beauty and plenty of history.
Towering at a height 150 feet, it is the tallest lighthouse in the island of Sri Lanka. It truly is a masterpiece and has a history that dates back to the 19th century. During the colonial era of Sri Lanka, the south of the island was the most popular. To this day remains of this interesting period of the island can be seen so beautifully adorning this region. Hospitals, buildings, markets and churches all exhibit the typical architecture famous with the Dutch, Portuguese and the British of that time.
The Dondra Lighthouse is one such building. Designed by the famous James Douglas in the year 1889, it was constructed by William Douglas of the Imperial lighthouse service. From the day it was brought to life this structure has received marked recognition. At the time it was state of the art and even today it stands out from the rest of the lighthouses in the island. It is made up of 7 floors and 14 two panel yellow colour windows. There are a total of 196 steps that reach to the top which since they are windy in nature, is a real adventure to climb. Today the site is maintained by the Sri Lanka Ports Authority and if you are interested in climbing to the top you need to obtain special permission from them. At the top the view of the ocean is indeed spectacular. Especially at sunset watching the South Coast from that height is worthwhile.
A new and exquisite hotel in the south of Sri Lanka is Ranna212. This Sri Lanka beach resort is an ideal base from which to explore the island’s South Coast.
Thanuja Silva is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Auburn Silver. She has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world.