Millennium Hotel Amman is a Hotel in Amman Jordan which provides luxury accommodation facilities to all its guests. Fully equipped rooms with convenient services people prefer to lodge in this Amman Hotel while they are in Jordan. Jordan has many natural wonders among them the lowest spot of earth is also located in Jordan.
The Dead Sea is considered as the lowest spot in earth, this is a salt lake which is the second saltiest body of water in the world. A number of tourists visit this sea each year. It’s easy to float in this sea and also the mud in the shore is considered as containing minerals and has a medicinal value. Large pieces of salt deposits and crystals are taken home by tourists as souvenirs. This surely is a unique experience to anyone visiting Jordan.
Uditha Dharmawardhane is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Roland Lefevre. He specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe.