The mangosteen is a purple on the outside and a juicy white plump of goodness on the inside. It’s tangy and sweet and is commonly found in South Asian tropical countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

Where on the island?
You’re most likely to find this delicious fruit anywhere on the island, especially in the southern coastal city such as Kalutara. Hotels in the area such as Turyaa Kalutara might also be able to provide them.
Mangosteens are rich in Xanthones and with a heavy dose of Vitamin C, this improves the body’s immune system, both of which promotes the function and production of white blood cells.
Skin Care
Having high antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, Xanthone aids in reducing the risk of skin diseases and also promotes the restoration of damaged cells. Mangosteen has helped in the treatment of acne.
Tummy issues
Being high on fibre, this fruit also helps with your digestive system. Consuming the peel and pericarp have been known to providing relief from diarrhoea. The fruit also helps in warding off constipation.
Intrigued by history, art and food, Lavinia Woolf is a writer who is passionate about the extraordinary and writes of the exhilarating and enchanting. Google+