Vietnamese cuisine is hailed around the world. If you’re thinking of travelling to Quy Nhon, you can find out about the best places to experience traditional Vietnamese food in Quy Nhon if you refer to websites such as Quy Nhon Coastal Escape.
Even though you can find Pho in just about any major city in the world, it can be found living up to its vaunted standard in its home country. However, depending on where you try it out, it may carry different flavours.
Bún Chả
This delicious Vietnamese dish comes with separate ingredients; one has to dip rice vermicelli in a little bowl that’s filled with grilled pork; this pork is immersed in Nuoc Cham, a sweet and savoury sauce, which is a blend of ingredients such as fish sauce, vinegar, and sugar.
Egg Coffee
An all-time favourite of the Vietnamese, Egg Coffee can be described as a dessert rather than a beverage. With an infusion of egg yolks and sugar that is blended in condensed milk, it is a drink that you can “eat” in this country.
Bun Bo Hue
Although the literal translation of this dish is Beef Noodle Soup, it is often made with pork as the main ingredient. To ramp up the flavour, ingredients such as shrimp paste, lemongrass, and lime juice are added to this soup.