Quietly nestled at the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui lies a region that has often been dubbed the “Green Lung” of the city. Simply known as Kowloon Park this expansive enclave spread out over 33 acres is one of the largest public parks in Kowloon peninsula making it one of the most popular recreational venues for city dwellers and tourists alike. Having opened its gates to the public as far back as 1989 this idyllic green space later refurbished by the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club is a visually pleasing and engaging sanctuary free from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Offering breathtaking views across Victoria Harbour it is difficult to conceive that the space was once occupied by a British military base known as the Whitfield Camp Barracks. Designed in traditional Chinese style the park built at the cost of 300 million Hong Kong dollars boasts a wide variety of recreational facilities for the entire family within its tree-lined, flower bed filled environs.
Littered with a number of themed gardens the venue’s chief highlights include the beautifully manicured Maze Garden while the Chinese Garden, Sculpture Garden and Rose Garden also attract visitors all year around. Other gardens at Kowloon Park include the Colour Garden and several Roof Gardens while Banyan Court and the appropriately named Bird Lake are other hotspots frequented by bird watchers. The massive piazza at the locale hosts concerts and other public performances while the tree lined jogging tracks and paved sidewalks are also enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.
Offering guests a wide range of sporting facilities the venue also houses a sports centre and a swimming pool that has a 1500 swimmer capacity. A mini soccer pitch and a children’s playground are also part of the landscape as is a Discovery Playground and a fitness trail. Other facilities include an aviary while Arts Fun Fair Stalls and a Kung Fu Corner are set up on weekends and public holidays.
Travellers on the lookout or a luxury hotel in Kowloon Hong Kong will be hard-pressed to find a finer alternative to The Peninsula Hong Kong. Ideally situated with breathtaking views over Victoria Harbour this stylish Hong Kong hotel is one of the most picturesquely located rests in Kowloon.