An omniscient, powerful construction, the London Eye symbolizes modernity and forward-thinking. Located at the Western end of Jubilee Gardens, this formidable creation looms over the city and its landscape. If you plan to reside at a hotel in London Central, locating The London Eye would be the simplest task. Book your stay at Berjaya Eden Park London Hotel and find your way to The London Eye, the largest Ferris wheel in Europe. When it was first constructed it was the largest in the world. However, today it has two other notable competitors. If you want to have a bird’s eye view of London and its surroundings embark on an unforgettable, leisurely thirty minute journey.
Opened to the public in the year 2000, The London Eye was designed by a remarkable team of architects. Malcolm Cook, Mark Sparrowhawk, Steven Chilton, Nic Bailey, Paul Tame and Julia Barfield were part of the team that dreamt up this unfathomable creation.
Attached to the wheel are 32 capsules that can surprisingly accommodate up to twenty five persons. Passengers can comfortably walk around or sit and absorb the breathtaking views. Given that the capsules are air-conditioned, you will also be sheltered from the chilling breeze or merciless heat.
When watching from afar it would seem as though The London Eye hardly moves. This is simply because the wheel moves at 26 cm per second. It’s fun to step on and off the wheel knowing that it rarely stops. It is constantly on the move. However, if your age or physical difficulties make embarking and disembarking a challenge, the Eye will momentarily stop rotating its massive iris.
The London Eye ushered the millennium with grand style. Today, it’s the best place to visit at the dawn of a new year as fireworks blast their way into the night sky!
Caleb Falcon is a travel writer who specializes in writing content based on the many exciting world adventures that await intrepid travellers.