Located close to the Windhoek Zoo and just 3 minutes’ drive via Fidel Street from Avani Windhoek Hotel & Casino is Christuskirche or Christ Church. It is a church that belongs to the German Lutheran community of Windhoek and is famous for its iconic architecture and structure.

The church is considered a national landmark and was preceded by the German Lutheran congregation which was founded in 1896 with the parsonage being consecrated and subsequent services held in November the same year. The idea was to build a church once a community had been established.
Where it was Built
The church itself began construction in 1907 with all material apart from limestone being brought in from Germany. The plans were drawn in the early 1900s by German architect Gottlieb Redecker.
The Building
The church which can be easily accessed if you are staying in a hotel in Windhoek is made up of a tower topped in a gothic spire that is 42 metres in height. The architectural style is neo-Romanesque and stain glass windows installed within were donated by Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm.
There are three bells in the tower each made of bronze and inscribed with three blessings in German; “Glory to God in the Highest,” “And on earth, peace,” and “Goodwill towards all men.”
The original altar art piece was Ruben’s “Resurrection of Lazarus,” but was destroyed in Berlin during World War II. Services in the renovated church are conducted in German at 10.00 a.m. on Sundays.