The beautifully laid out and internationally renowned Singapore Botanic Gardens is an appealing visitor attraction in Singapore. This expansive 74-hectare park is often frequented by those with an interest in plants, particularly orchids, as well as leisure seekers desiring a break from the hectic environment of the city. Numerous interesting features may be seen within the garden.
Taking pride of place is the amazing National Orchid Garden, which consists of a hilly area suitable for the rearing of these exquisite flowers. Over a thousand species and 2,000 hybrid varieties of orchids may be seen here. A noteworthy feature here is the VIP Orchid Garden, which showcases different hybrid varieties named after important visitors. Serious orchid aficionados will be drawn to the Orchidarium where naturally occurring species are reared under tropical conditions. Another highlight is the Tan Soon Hiang Misthouse where you will see a colourful assortment of hybrids as well as fragrant orchids.
Meanwhile, the Bromeliad House focuses on plants belonging to the Bromeliaceae group, which features plants like the pineapple. This one-of-a-kind selection was obtained from the USA in 1994. On the other hand, the Coolhouse aims to replicate the environment of a highland forested area in the tropics, showcasing orchids that are native to this environment.
Another interesting attraction at the Botanic Gardens is the Rainforest area, which, as its name suggests, is a patch of authentic tropical rainforest about six hectares in extent. This area is the oldest part of the gardens. Not to be missed is the fascinating Evolution Garden, which details the evolution of plant life on Earth, with plants such as spikemosses, cycads, and tree ferns. Meanwhile, the distinctive Ginger Garden presents plants belonging to the ginger family. The popular Halia Restaurant is also found here. On the other hand, the little ones will enjoy exploring the Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, which presents a number of interesting attractions like a playground, water play zone, slides, tree houses and a special maze.
After savouring the vibrant array of blooms at this verdant locality, check into a stylish 5 star hotel in Singapore such as the Sheraton Towers Singapore. Its gracious interiors and welcoming hospitality make it an idyllic luxury hotel in Singapore to host your stay, and will provide the perfect complement to your visit to the Singapore Botanical Gardens.
Angela Fernando is an impassioned travel writer who composes pieces under the pen name Sumaira Narayan. She loves writing about new and exciting places around the world and hopes to visit them all someday. Google+