Several Chinese dynasties that reigned in the Jiangsu Province from almost the dawn of time blossomed and grew due to the winding waters that flowed through the Yangtze River. The waterway quenched the thirst of millions, was a means of vegetation, was a perpetual temperature controller and provided a mode of transportation for centuries. The breeze that spreads its wings and flies from the river banks carries with it a relaxing cool balm, even during the sultriest months of the summer. The civilizations that sprung up at these river beds have evolved into large cosmopolitan cities.
As one of the longest rivers in the world, its gurgling ripples had carried naval crafts, fishing boats and cruise ships from the East China Sea almost all the way up to its source in Geladaindong Peak in the heart of China. The unparalleled charm of this waterway and its strong currents are present from the spring to the ocean, but the area closer to Wuxi is a special highlight of the river. With its proximity to the sea and the numerous other attractions causes quite a stir amongst the visitors.
The Shah Juan Caves, Taibo Temple, Chen Chi Museum and Donglin Shuyuan are consecrated sites protected by the state for their historical and cultural importance. The Shah Juan Caves are the dating place of the celebrated lovers of China who are compared to Romeo and Juliet while the Chen Chi Museum displays the works of the great artist after whom it is named.
Furthermore, the river is the sanctuary of the indigenous Yangtze sturgeon and Chinese alligator. With the looming fear of extinction, the only hope for their survival is to reduce the dependency of agriculture on the river and curb industrial pollution.
The Greater China hotels located closer to the river are the first choice, especially during the hot days of summer. Those in search of well placed hotels in the region can choose from the properties belonging to Millennium & Copthorne Hotels China. These contemporary and ideally located hotels in China cater to business and leisure travellers alike and let you enjoy the very best the country has to offer.