Kuta, Bali is a city graced with a picturesque beach front with a long stretch of white sandy beaches hosting a variety of hotels, motels, resorts, villas, water-sporting activities and sites of cultural and historical interest has helped increase the tourism industry of Bali to significant levels.
One such place that boasts of historical importance and unique Chinese architecture is the Vihara Dharmayana that is situated along the one-way Jalan Blambangan, which leads you to the smaller Jalan Singosari. History has it that this Vihara was built in honor of Dharmayana Yang Mulia Tan Kongco cin Hu Jin, the Chinese ancestor of Kuta, Bali. Therefore, the building is built with the use of typical Chinese infrastructure methods, architectural designs and made complete with Chinese decorative items.
Red is the main color used for the interior and wall painting and you would find Chinese characters such as the dragon painted on poles and walls. Another interesting item in the temple are the Red decorative lanterns with the Yellow color tussles hanging from underneath, which sway in the light wind that comes to greet the worshippers with a breath of fresh air. The Vihara Dharmayana is also used as a wedding venue where the couples come get blessings from God before they start their newly wedded life together
Kuta, the best and much-demanded holiday destination in Bali has some amazing accommodation venues to quench a traveler’s thirst for good food, comfort and warm hospitality. Book your next stay at a resort in Kuta and experience the best of the sun, sea and the sand as these lovely sea view resorts would take you on a holiday journey to suit your wildest dreams. With good times spent come happy memories, so click some lovely pictures when you’re at a Kuta beach resort to fill your photo albums or show off to your friends with some amazing photos taken in the beautiful backdrops of the crystal-clear waters lingering just off the town proper. And consider making your stay at the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort, which is one star class hotel that brings the best of Bali to your feet.
Angela Fernando is an impassioned travel writer who composes pieces under the pen name Sumaira Narayan. She loves writing about new and exciting places around the world and hopes to visit them all someday. Google+